5 open position for marine ecosystem modellers at OGS (Trieste, Italy)

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5 PostDoc positions for marine ecosystem modellers at OGS (Italy)
The ECHO Group at the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics  – OGS (Trieste, Italy; https://www.inogs.it/en) offers five positions for marine ecosystem modellers.
POSITION: Post Doc (Italian “assegno di ricerca”), Full Time 
DURATION: 12 months (+ renewal up to 6 years maximum) 
SALARY: EUR 21.000 (EUR 23.000 at the third year renewal)
The proposed research activity consists of development, application and analysis of models for the study of the marine ecosystems. Successful candidates will work in a multidisciplinary team, being actively involved within international projects: the biogeochemistry component of the EU Copernicus Marine Service for the Mediterranean Sea (http://marine.copernicus.eu/about-us/about-producers/med-mfc, http://medeaf.inogs.it/); BIOPTIMOD Service Evolution Marine Copernicus (https://www.mercator-ocean.fr/en/portfolio/bioptimod/) and FAIRSEA (Fisheries in the Adriatic Region-a Shared Ecosystem Approach).
The research activities include 5 open positions:
1)  data assimilation for oceanography and biogeochemistry modelling;
2)  high-performance computing (HPC) for oceanography and biogeochemistry modelling;
3)  physical and biogeochemical modelling of marine ecosystems including dynamics of dissolved oxygen, organic matter and plankton dynamics;
4)  modelling of the interactions between water column optical properties and biogeochemical dynamics;
5)  modelling for an ecosystem approach to fisheries with emphasis on environmental and climatic factors; spatial and temporal modelling of marine ecosystems; end-to-end modelling for coupling biogeochemical and food web approaches; analysis of physical and biogeochemical data and model output to develop indicators useful for the fisheries production.
See website https://www.inogs.it/en/node/1559 and carefully follow all the instructions.
Deadline: 1 May 2019, h. 12.30 p.m.
We are looking for a young scientist able to understand concepts quickly, following a sharp learning curve, with good planning skills and the ability to work independently. You will have enthusiasm, the willingness to exploit your skills in ocean sciences research for the benefits of communities pursuing sustainable growth, and be seeking the opportunity to develop your research career through scientific publications. You will be able to actively participate in the R&D activities of collaborative research projects, both at a national and international level, and have a desire to become a future leader in your field. 
We expect that your skills and qualifications will include:
– as minimum education requirement, a University Degree (MSc or equivalent) in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines: Physics, Mathematics, Environmental Sciences, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology;
– some experience in computational sciences or statistics, with knowledge and proved use of scientific programming languages or advanced software environments (e.g. Fortran, C, Python, Matlab, R);
– a PhD (or equivalent experience) in Ocean Sciences, Ocean Modelling, Ecosystem Modelling or any topic involving modelling or data analysis approaches to research activities covered by the call will be considered advantageous.
ECHO is the marine modelling research group of OGS and focuses on quantitative approaches to biogeochemistry and ecosystem dynamics. ECHO’s research activity includes the development, analysis and use of models of varying complexity (physical models, biogeochemical models, food webs, ecological models) with applications at a variety of scales, ranging from local high-resolution applications to basin-wide regional model and climatic projections. Applications include assessment of natural and anthropogenic pressures on marine systems, carbon and nutrient cycling, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, ecosystem approach to fisheries and aquaculture, operational oceanography and data assimilation, analysis of integrated eco-socio-economic systems, and sustainable development. The ECHO group is currently composed of about 30 people, who are collaborating widely with other groups in Italy and at the international level in various research projects, services, programmes and networks. ECHO offers a lively research environment and excellent infrastructure in terms of laboratories and state-of-the-art equipment.
The positions highlighted above have one of the following ECHO’s members as a possible tutor: Gianpiero Cossarini (gcossarini@inogs.it), Paolo Lazzari (plazzari@inogs.it), Simone Libralato (slibralato@inogs.it), Stefano Salon (ssalon@inogs.it), Cosimo Solidoro (csolidoro@inogs.it).
For general enquiries regarding the positions, please contact the above persons.
For specific (administrative) enquiries about the call, please contact concorsi@inogs.it