Call for Abstracts – CINECA HPCQC2023 Workshop 

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Dear Colleagues, 

This year, as every year since 2018, CINECA and UniversitàStatale di Milano organizes the “High Performance Computing and Quantum Computing” workshop. For six years, the workshop has been dedicated to the dissemination of recent achievements at the European level in the field of Quantum Computing and HPC. Due to the high number of talksubmissions we received last year, for this edition we decided to select the best talks through a Call for Abstracts. Do you want to have the opportunity to present the results of your recent work to the Italian and European scientific community? Send us your abstract and take part in the selection!  

The sixth HPCQC workshop will be held at CINECA’s headquarters on 14 and 15 December 2023. The event will be organized in hybrid mode (in-person/remote). Speakers must be present on stage (no remote talks). Approximate start and end dates for registration are 01/11 and 01/12, will be confirmed shortly. Speakers will be automatically registered.  


For information regarding abstract submission guidelines check the following website: 


Best regards,  Daniele Ottaviani and Enrico Prati  On behalf of the HPCQC Organizing Committee