D.A.V.I.D.E – modules and profiles organization

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Dear users,
in order to adapt the module environment on D.A.V.I.D.E. to our modules organization policy, we communicate that the applications on D.A.V.I.D.E. system, currently placed under the default “base” profile, will be moved to the specific domain type profiles.
Consequently, when you need a particular application on D.A.V.I.D.E., as a first step you will need to load the new profile:
module load profile/
 You can know where the application that you are using has been moved by typing the “modmap” command:
modmap -m
 Unlike cuda, gnu, python and openmpi compilers, that will remain on “base” profile, pgi compiler will be moved to the “advanced” profile.
 In order to use it you will need to load preventively this profile:
module load profile/advancedAlso, some libraries and tools can be moved to other profiles. In this case too you can get the new destination  by using the “modmap” command”.
The modules transfer operations will be performed on 28 February.
 Best regards,
HPC User Support@ CINECA