Data management services offering

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Dear HPC users,
CINECA team wish to inform you about the nice opportunity offered by the DICE project ( to enrich your research workflow with data management services which include:
Personal/project workspaces: mid-term storage for active resource data during a project;
Data archives: mid-term storage for non-active research data after/between projects;
Policy-based data archives: mid-long term storage for non-active stable research data with the possibility to add added-value services (integrity checks, replications, …);
Data repository services: Long-term data resources preservation, sharing and publishing for non-active FAIR data;
Data discovery services: to make data sources harvestable and widely discoverable.
The services are supported by 17 services providers across Europe and the resources are offered free at the point of use until June 2023 thanks to the EC funding.

For more information you can visit the DICE project website. If you have questions or you would like to request any of the services just drop an email at