DECI-12 call for PRACE Tier-1 resources

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Dear Users,
here below you can find informations about the new DECI call. 
HPC-User Support @ CINECA

The DECI-12 call for PRACE Tier-1 resources is now open


Opening date: 18th December 2013, 12:00 CET
Closing date: 20th January 2014, 17:00 CET
Allocation start date: 1st May, 2014
Allocation period: 1 year for Project Access
Type of access: DECI (Tier-1)

Tier-1 machines available: Cray XE/XC, and a range of large clusters including GPU
resources made available from Cyprus, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland,
Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom
and Turkey.

DECI provides single project cross-national access to European Tier-1 resources (national
systems). Access will be awarded for a period of 12 months, beginning 1st May 2014.
Resources are available on the following architectures: Cray XE6, Cray XC30, IBM
Blue Gene/Q, Intel clusters (various processor and memory configurations) and hybrid
systems (clusters with GPGPU accelerators). Applicants need not specify a particular
machine or architecture, but if they do, we will endeavour to take these preferences
into account.

Scope of the Tier-1 call and criteria for access

DECI enables European researchers to obtain access to the most powerful national
(Tier-1) computing resources in Europe regardless of their country of origin or employment
and to enhance the impact of European science and technology at the highest level.
Proposals must deal with complex, demanding, innovative simulations that would not
be possible without Tier-1 access. Please note that, in addition to offering access
to computing resources, applications-enabling and porting, assistance from experts
at the leading European HPC centres is offered (on request and depending on availability)
to enable projects to be run on the most appropriate Tier-1 platforms in PRACE.
Note that after the end of the PRACE-3IP project limited support will be provided
on a best effort basis from parties of the Tier-1 resource exchange MoU.

Eligibility for Tier-1

Proposals from academia and industry are eligible, as long as the project leader
is undertaking non-proprietary research in a European country (European Union, candidates,
associated countries and PRACE member countries). Project leaders will typically
be employed in research organisations (academic or industrial). Individual HPC centres
may have further restrictions on who is eligible to use the machines, e.g. due to
US export rules. Further information is available on request.

How to apply to DECI-12

Applicants should apply to DECI via our submission tool at

The DECI support team is available to answer questions by email while the call is
open and applicants are encouraged to contact us if they have any questions. Late
applications cannot be accepted. In the case of technical difficulties, the decision
of the DECI Peer Review Team as to whether an application can be accepted is final.
Applicants are advised to submit as early as possible before the deadline. The deadline
for submission of proposals for Tier-1 systems is 20th January, 2014, at 17:00 CET.

Process details and deadlines for Tier-1 DECI proposals

The call will close at 17:00 CET on the 20th January 2014. The DECI Peer Review Team
will perform an administrative validation check. In case of administrative inaccuracies
the applicant will receive an email asking for administrative details. The deadline
for the applicant to provide such details is 27th January 2014 at 17:00 CET. Anything
received after 27th January 2014 at 17:00 CET will NOT be accepted nor considered
in the review process. Between 20th January 2014 and 27th January 2014 the DECI
Peer Review Team will accept modified proposals ONLY when these supply further details
in reply to requests from PRACE. Several submissions of the same proposal before
the submission deadline are permitted, but only the last one will be considered.
By 17:00 CET on 27th January 2014, all applicants will receive confirmation that
their proposals have been correctly submitted and that they meet the eligibility
criteria. From 27th January the projects will be technically and scientifically
peer reviewed. The DECI proposals will be peer-reviewed by national peer-review panels.
The applicants will be informed of the review results in early April 2014.

Timetable for DECI 12th Call for Project Access proposals

o Opening date: 18th December, 2013, 12:00
o Closing date: 20th January, 2014, 17:00 CET
o Anticipated allocation decisions: Early April 2014
o Allocation start date of awarded proposals: 1st May 2014
o Allocation end date of award: 30th April 2015


For any queries related to applications or eligibility please contact:


The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) is an international non-profit
association with its seat in Brussels. The PRACE Research Infrastructure provides
a persistent world-class high performance computing service for scientists and researchers
from academia and industry in Europe. The computer systems and their operations
accessible through PRACE are provided by 4 PRACE members (BSC representing Spain,
CINECA representing Italy, GCS representing Germany and GENCI representing France).
The Implementation Phase of PRACE receives funding from the EU’s Seventh Framework
Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreements RI-261557, RI-283493 and RI-312763.
For more information, see: