EUROCC Italy online events: Innovation challenges for today’s industries: HPC and high-level formation as stimulus for competitiveness

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Dear all,
EUROCC Italy is pleased to invite you to attend via streaming the event “Innovation challenges for today’s industries: HPC and high-level formation as stimulus for competitiveness”, that will take place on Friday the 18th of March, from 2 pm to 6 pm.

The agenda of the event is the following:

14:00-14:45 – Delivery of the diplomas of the Master in High-Performance Computing  
14:45-16:00 Lectio Magistralis of Carlo Cavazzoni (Head of Cloud Computing, Leonardo Labs).
16:00-17:00 – Round table with Diego Bravar (Vice-president of Confindustria Alto Adriatico), Carlo Cavazzoni (Head of Cloud Computing, Leonardo Labs), Andrea Romanino (Direttore SISSA), Luca Rossi (Presidente Gruppo Giovani CONFAPI FVG), Ketty Segatti (Vicedirettore della Direzione centrale lavoro, formazione, istruzione e famiglia della Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia), and Cinzia Zannoni (EUROCC Italy PM – CINECA).

The event will be streamed live from SISSA in Trieste. For more information and to register to obtain the link, click here (the link is in Italian):

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Best Regards,