Free Course “Energy Efficiency in HPC”
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Dear colleague,
Is your code fast enough? How much energy does it require? Wouldn’t be great if you can obtain the same results but with a minimum consumption of energy?
Yes. There are some methods to make your code more “Energy efficient”.
We will explain it to you in this course:
Energy Efficiency in HPC
Atteding this course you will learn how to use tools for the optimization of the energy consumption of your codes.
The course is organized in four main sessions driving the audience from the physical and engineering principles underlying power consumption in supercomputing systems to the practical usage of state-of-the-art tools for monitoring and controlling the energy efficiency of supercomputing machines and workloads. The tools that will be covered are the MSR-SAFE (LLNL), MERIC (IT4I), COUNTDOWN (UNIBO), GEOPM (Intel) libraries.
The course is sponsored by PRACE ( so it’s free of charge and some grants are available for people meeting the requirememts.
For subscription and more info:
Best Regards.