Galileo up and running

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Dear Users,
The update operations on Galileo are over. The procedure was mainly about the update of the PBS scheduler. This new version has various new features aimed at optimizing and managing users’ job submission more efficiently.
The main outcomes are:

Intel Xeon Phi (MIC) accelerators are now available for production runs. Please refer to our on line guide as to their usage for compiling and running your code. In particular here: . The new PBS version introduces also new features that allow jobs to allocate the requested resources for their job in a more robust way.
The only significant difference with respect to the previous configuration is in the maximum amount of memory that a job can request, limited to 120 GB (#PBS -l mem=120GB). Please note that, if NOT specified, the default assigned memory for your job is 256 MB.

All additional info and features can be found on our on-line guide on Galileo:
We also kindly inform you all that, starting on April 1st, a linearization policy for projects budget consumption, similarly as already working on Fermi, will be running on Galileo as well.
Kind Regards,
HPC User Support @ CINECA