GALILEO100: IMPORTANT: quota enforcement on new storage and dismission of old GALILEO storage

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Dear Users,
starting from November 15, the quota on the current $HOME and $WORK areas of GALILEO100 will be enforced. The default quotas are 50 GB for the $HOME and 1 TB for $WORK, if not otherwise agreed. You can check the current occupancy of your areas with the commands:
– cinQuota (available only for Lustre filesystems, hence only for GALILEO100 new home, work, scratch storage. Not available on other clusters and filesystems)
– cindata (available for Lustre and GSS filesystems)
Please refer to the online documentation on “Monitoring the occupancy” for additional information on these commands.
Differently from other clusters, on GALILEO100 the quota will be enforced with a grace period of 24 hours, allowing the occupancy to exceed with respect to the quota limit for a maximum of 24 hours. After such period you will have to remove some data and restore the proper occupancy level to keep using the areas.
IMPORTANT: the quota not being applied, you may have at present exceeded the allowed space on $HOME and/or $WORK. Please check your occupancy and remove unnecessary data, or you won’t be able to use the areas starting from November 15. You may ask for an increase of the $WORK quota if motivated by writing to
the old GALILEO home, work, scratch areas have been made available on the GALILEO100 login nodes on::
– /galileo/home/userexternal/your_user
– /gpfa/work/your_Account
– /gpfs/work1/your_Account
– /gpfs/scratch/userexternal/your_user
The /gpfs/work1 filesystems will not be available for two weeks in December due to an network upgrade operation, which may cause the loss of the data. PLEASE BE SURE to have retrieved all relevant data from /gpfs/work1 before November 30.
All the filesystems will then be definitely unmounted at the end of the year. PLEASE BE SURE to have retrieved all relevant data from /galileo/home, /gpfs/work, /gpfs/scratch before December 31.
Best regards,
HPC User Support @ CINECA