HPC user day (May 7 2012)
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Dear users,
waiting for the FERMI arrival we have organized an event to present the characteristics of this new HPC cluster.
“HPC User day – Aspettando FERMI”
May 7, 2012 – CINECA Casalecchio di Reno
The roadmap for the future of HPC at Cineca, the migration activity to BG/Q from SP6 supercomputer, but also the innovative technologies introduced by FERMI will be illustrated by CINECA staff in the first part of the day.
In the second part, Cineca users will give presentations telling how they have successfully dealt with a scientific challenge on the PLX by using the GPUs and on BG/P machine.
You can find the agenda and all information about the event at this web page.
Partecipation is free, but you have to register.
We would be delighted if you were able to accept our invitation to participate a this event.
Best regards,
HPC User Support