HPCS 2015 – Extended Deadlines & CFP

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Call for Papers and Participation  
The 2015 High Performance Computing & Simulation Conference 
(HPCS 2015) 
July 20-24, 2015 
The Hilton Amsterdam Hotel 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands  
http://hpcs2015.cisedu.info  or  http://cisedu.us/rp/hpcs15  
In Cooperation with the ACM, IEEE, IFIP  
(Main Track Paper Submission Deadline: April 10, 2015 – Extended)  
Other Tracks Submission Deadline Varies, between March 31 to April 15, 2015 – Please check the specific track of interest.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work for a special issue in an ISI Journal.
HPCS Proceedings are published in IEEEXPLORE and indexed by all major indexing services including SCOPUS, EI, SCI, dblp, etc.
You are cordially invited to participate in this international conference through paper submission, a workshop or a special session organization, a tutorial, a demo, a poster, an exhibit, a panel discussion, a doctoral dissertation, whichever sounds more appropriate and convenient to you.
The conference will include invited presentations by experts from academia, industry, and government as well as contributed paper presentations describing original work on the current state of research in high performance and large scale computing systems, their use in modeling and simulation, their design, performance and use, and their applications. There will also be tutorial sessions, symposia, workshops, special sessions, demos, posters, panel discussions, doctoral colloquium, and exhibits. Conference sponsorships are welcomed.
In addition to the main track, the conference will have many refereed archived symposia, workshops and special sessions: Please see
http://hpcs2015.cisedu.info/2-conference/hpcs-2015-workshops, and
Important Dates:    
    Main Track Paper and Poster Paper Submission Deadline ——- April 10, 2015 – Extended    
    Tutorial/Demo/Panel/Poster Proposal Deadline ————— April 10, 2015     
    Notification of Acceptance ——————————– April 24, 2015    
    Registration & Camera-Ready Manuscripts Due ————— May 14, 2015    
    Conference Dates ————————————— July 20 – 24, 2015
For further details and updates, please consult the conference web site at URL:
http://hpcs2015.cisedu.info or http://cisedu.us/rp/hpcs15 or contact one of the organizers.
Thank you very much. Best Regards.
HPCS 2015 Organizers