Important – Change in the usage and queues of EURORA

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Dear Users,
Eurora prototype cluster was opened to CINECA scientific community of users in April 2013. After these first months of experimentation, we were able to identify the weaknesses and the strengths of the actual configuration and usage of the platform. In order to enable users to take the highest benefit from the peculiar hardware of CINECA computing systems, we will introduce substantial changes aimed at differentiating the usage of Eurora versus PLX cluster.  The following guidelines will be applied:
– Eurora is a prototype platform, equipped with the state-of-the-art accelerators (Intel Xeon Phi and Keplero GPU). Its primary use should exploit these features. As a consequence, we will implement the necessary changes to the present queueing configuration in order to guarantee more computing resources to accelerators’ developers and users (see below).
– For production runs which do not take advantage of Intel accelerators, we kindly ask the users to move their activity to PLX cluster. In case your projects on Eurora are not active on PLX as well, please write to us at    
– A moderate amount of production runs will still be hosted on Eurora during night time and weekends.  
The new configuration of the queues on Eurora will take place next February, the 3rd. The most important changes are:
1) From 10 am to 6 pm weekdays the longpar queue will not be active, and the maximum walltime for jobs (on the parallel queue) will be reduced to 4 hours. 2) The maximum walltime for the longpar queue will be reduced from 24 hours to 8 hours.3) A new “devel” queue will be introduced in the prime time range (10am-6pm weekdays), reserved to code developing, debugging, and optimization on accelerators.4) A fair-share policy will be implemented in the calculation of the jobs’ priority
We would also like to inform you that, during the week-end, around 20% of the cluster will be reserved to a new service active on Eurora, limiting the total number of nodes available for the debug and the production runs (on the debug, parallel and longpar queues).
All the details will appear on our online guide to Eurora three days before the application of the changes.
Best regards,
HPC User Support @ CINECA