LEONARDO open to production on August 3
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Dear Users,
we are happy to inform you that the new CINECA pre-exascale cluster, Leonardo, will enter the production phase tomorrow, August 03, at 2 pm. You can access the cluster by logging to the front-end nodes at login.leonardo.cineca.it. RCM is not available on Leonardo yet. We are working to make it available as soon as possible.
The $HOME and $SCRATCH storage areas are available for users. A third, new, personal area, $PUBLIC, is also available for users to share installations and/or data. Please, keep in mind that the $PUBLIC directory is by default open to everybody on the cluster, and by storing files in such area you accept to share them with all users. The projects’ $WORK areas are not in place yet, we will inform you as soon as they become available. Until they will be configured and put in place the automatic cleaning of the scratch area will NOT be active.
The scheduler (SLURM) is configured for batch submissions and the budget accounting will start tomorrow. Please keep in mind that some changes to the Users’ environment may be possible during the starting days of production.
For general information on cluster access, storage areas, SLURM submission, module environment please refer to the Leonardo online guide: https://wiki.u-gov.it/confluence/display/SCAIUS/UG3.2%3A+LEONARDO+UserGuide
Best Regards,
HPC User Support @ CINECA