Marconi: again on $CINECA_SCRATCH cleaning procedure

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Dear Users,
regarding the news on $CINECA_SCRATCH cleaning, we would like to stress that  the right and most suited area where to store data during HPC simulations is $WORK. $WORK is a project specific area, it is conserved up to 6 months after the project completion, it is characterised by a 1TB quota by defaut, but can be enlarged on request. The $WORK area is tuned for the best I/O perfomance.
On the contrary, $CINECA_SCRATCH is a smaller area, mainly used as a temporary staging facility (no quota, defined on a user basis, useful for collaboration outside the project), This area, by design, is subjected to peridodic cleaning procedures, usually turned on as soon as the occupancy reach a significan value (now it is 80%).
Please remember to consider the moving of your “non-temporary” files from $CINECA_SCRATCH to $WORK in time. The cleaning procedure will start on April, 18th and will proceed gradually up to deleting every day all files older than 50 days.
For information about the storage facility in Cineca, please go to our HPC User Guide.
If you need support, please contact our User Support team (
Best Regards,