Marconi: Update 2 of Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition 2018 and change of default fabric

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Dear Users,
the Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition 2018 has been upgraded to the recently released update 2 on Marconi cluster, please find here the corresponding release notes. The modules to be loaded keep being the same (intel/pe-xe-2018–binary, intelmpi/2018–binary, mkl/2018–binary, vtune/2018).
Furthermore, following the Intel official adoption of OpenFabrics Interface as the new default fabric (see the Omni-Path Fabric Performance Tuning guide), the OFI library will be used by default for inter-node communications for both 2017 and 2018 Parallel Studio XE Cluster Editions when loading the corresponding intelmpi modules (no action is required from users). Please note that this change of default could provide a change in performance from the previous TMI default, refer to our online documentation for instructions on how to switch back to the tmi fabrics if your application’s performances show to benefit from the old fabric rather than ofi.
Best regards
HPC User Support @ CINECA