Marconi100 end of production: update

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Dear Users,
this is to communicate a few updates about the forthcoming end of production phase of our HPC cluster Marconi100, that is expected by June 2023.
All running projects that will be still active by June 2023 will be managed according to the following plan:

all computing projects with deadline within June2023 will not be transfered to Leonardo

ISCRA-B with deadline beyond June-2023: this kind of project will be migrated to Leonardo and will end their activity on the new HPC cluster. The migrated ISCRA budgets will be half the ones on Marconi100, due to the higher performance of Leonardo on respecto to M100. All migrated project B will have a new deadline till October 31st.

ISCRA-C with deadling beyond June-2023: the vast majoriy of them will not be migrated. We are considering applying a few exceptions based on special requirements and special needs. For more info please write to iscra AT

For those PI of ISCRA-C projects that will not by transfered to Leonardo, we remind you that you can apply for a new class-C project to be performed on Leonardo (it is possible to submit 2 Iscra-C project in one year).

All agreements for year 2023 will be migrated to Leonardo.

All other kind of projects, eligible to be migrated, will be managed separately with specific communications

We would also like to remind you that, data transfer of all files and data on all storage areas for all projects to be migrated will be in charge of Users, according to gudelines and tools described in our dedicated Users’ Guide section. Access to storage areas for all projects on Marconi100 will be granted for a short period after the shutdown of the cluster. More updates about this will be communicated later on. 
Leonardo installation is currently on schedule and we will provide you more updates as soon as the cluster will become available for pre-production phase.
Best Regards,
HPC Users Support @ CINECA