Marconi100: stop of production phase

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Dear Users,
this is to remind you all that tomorrow, July 19th, at 14.00 p.m. we will start the shutdown procedure to end the production phase of Marconi100. For the time being, no submitted job with duration time longer than April 19, 14.00 p.m. will be able to run and therefore adjust your scheduled job time accordingly.
The racks dedicated to the EU project EUROFusion and hosting the m100_usr_preempt partition will be shut down on July 24th at 8 a.m. and therefore only the EUROFusion and the preempt partitions will be available for jobs till that date.
As stated previously, we will preserve all files and data of all projects on the cluster for at least three months, with expected deletion date scheduled at the end of October 2023, so that you can move your data to Leonardo or elsewhere safely.
For information on how to move/copy your data to your local pc and/or to a different cluster please refer to our dedicated page on the Users’ Guide:
Best Regards,
HPC Support @ CINECA