Migration to a new Cloud HPC infrastructure

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Dear users,
** Please read carefully in case you own HPC Cloud resources **
A new CLOUD infrastructure is under development in Cineca. In a short time it will substitute the current infrastructure that will definitively shut down in a couple of months.
The new HPC cloud infrastructure, based on OpenStack, will have 77 computing server equipped with 2x CPU 8260 Intel CascadeLake, 768 GB RAM DDR4 and 2 TB SSD local storage. The network interconnection will be a 100Gb/s Ethernet. A dedicated CEPH storage of 1 PB raw capacity (full NVMe/SSD) will complete the infrastructure.
Access model, additional technical details, user guide, and other information will be provided to you all soon.
If you are the PI (Principal Investigator) of an active project on our CLOUD infrastructure (https://cloud.hpc.cineca.it), we kindly ask you to confirm your intention to migrate to the new infrastructure, by replying to this mail and providing the name of the project.
** Please, if interested confirm before June 11th. **
If not, your project and virtual machines WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR MIGRATION and will be stopped in a couple of months.
If interested, we kindly ask you to provide some additional iinformations about the objects to migrate:
– name and ID of VMs, with the floating IP and the associated name in the DNS (if present)- name and ID of volumes- name and ID of images- name of other CINECA storage expoted via NFS, such DRES or WORK (if present)- few notes about critical services running on the VM (if present)
For any questions please reply to this mail.
Best regards
HPC User Support @ CINECA