NEMOH EU project Volcano Physics position
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NEMOH EU project Volcano Physics position
To whom it may concern, my name is Antonella Longo, working at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, in Pisa (Italy). My group is recruiting young graduated students to work on the development of a FSI numerical code.
The research contract is provided in the frame of an European Community Project, called NEMOH (, that is coordinated by our group in Pisa.
The strict rule that candidates must fit is that they must not have otained a Ph.D, and that less than 4 years passed since the obtaining of the title that gives access to the Ph.D in there country of residence and study.
The pdf of the NEMOH brouchure is available here “NEMOH brochure” , and the project leaflet is available here “project leaflet”. Very briefly, NEMOH is a network of highly qualified European fellowship positions, including 13 partners from 8 European countries. The focus is on quantitative volcanology, including numerical modelling and simulation of fluid-structure (magma-rock) interaction dynamics. The network will organize during next 4 years a number of activities including background and specialized schools, short courses, blind test exercises, etc. Other specialized courses are offered at the local level. The official language is obviously English.
Any additional information is on the project website:
Regarding the net income of the successfully recruited student, this will be in the range 2800 – 3000 euros per month (the gross salary is > 50,000 euros per year). The position we are offering is for a three-year employment. A Ph.D position in Geophysics is also offered to interested students (but not mandatory in the contract), subject to separate evaluation (we’ve set up a specific agreement with the University for that).
The student will spend from 3 to 10 months (to be agreed upon with him/her) out of three years at other institutions in Italy or abroad (even at your institute, what would be great!)
Regarding the numerical code to be developed, this will represent an extension of the GALES code that I have developed during last years. GALES (GAlerkin LEast Squares) is based on the papers n.X by Shakib, Hughes and Johan (CMAME, 1991) and Hauke and Hughes (CMAME, 1998). It is solved in primitive pressure variables, with a Newton-Raphson iteration. I attach in the successive mail the last two paper we have produced (they are too large to be sent within this mail). A series of classic benchmarks solved with GALES can be found at
The code developments to be performed should include fluid-structure interaction, and make the code able to solve the coupled dynamics of magma and country rocks in volcanic environments (besides being first validated on classic benchmarks from the general literature). That would allow us to directly relate geophysical signals measured at volcanoes (ground displacements, seismicity, gravity changes, tilt variations, etc.) to underground magma dynamics, providing us with a state-of-the-art method to interpret pre-eruptive observations and forecast volcanic hazards.
The skills needed for the code development are the knowledge of numerical analysis, C++ object oriented programming, MPI and meta programming template. In case you need further information, do not hesitate to contact me ( .
Best regards, Antonella Longo
Antonella Longo
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Sezione di Pisa
Via della Faggiola, 32 – 56126 Pisa – Italy
Tel. +39 050 8311939
fax: +39 050 8311942