New HPC Cloud Computing infrastructure (ADA cloud) open in pre-production and important information for project migration

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Dear Users,the new HPC Cloud Computing Infrastructure, named ADA cloud, based on OpenStack Wallaby version with dashboard available at the link, is open in pre-production.
Access model, technical characteristics, user guide, and other general information are available at the link [1].
For those who have resources on the present cloud infrastructure (with dashboard link and have expressed the interest to migrate on the new ADA cloud infrastructure, we kindly ask to check the documentation at the link [2], in order to familiarize with the migration operations.
We plan to start to mirror the VMs, volumes and images that you listed in the past June for as projects requiring migration to the new cloud infrastructure. We will contact you in order to finalize the migration operations, since they require a SHUTOFF OF YOUR VM INSTANCES.
Please note this timeline:* we plan to complete the migration process not later than September, 24th .
* the previous infrastructure will be no longer available by the end of September and DISMANTLED soon after.
For any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Best regardsHPC User Support @ CINECA
Usefull links:[1] User Guide:  ADA CLOUD HPC CINECA [2] Detailes about the cloud infrastructure migration: