“Notte dei Ricercatori” @ Bologna
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Dear Users,
We would like to inform you about the upcoming event “Notte dei Ricercatori”, scheduled for today, September 25th.
In various cities of Italy, a great number of stands promoted by various universities and research centers are active, with the intent of promoting the latest trends of science and technology and sensitise every visitant to the importance of the work made by italian researchers that is in the risk to be underestimated.
CINECA will be present as well with a stand located at S. Giovanni in Monte, Bologna. Members of SCAI department will be available to give an overview about what HPC means and what is its importance on today’s scientifical research. Members of HPC User Support will also be at the event, so if you want to pay a visit it may be a chance to meet some of the people you usually talk to from the other side of the PC!
For further informations and a more detailed program (italian language):
http://www.frascatiscienza.it/pagine/notte-europea-dei-ricercatori-2015/ (national homepage)http://nottedeiricercatori2015.bo.imm.cnr.it/ (event at Bologna)
We’re looking forward to see you tonight here at Bologna!
Best regards,HPC User Support @ CINECA