PICO: end of production phase for academic users

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Dear Users,
This is to inform you that PICO cluster will be off production for academic users starting from Wednesday January, 24th 2018. Accordingly, jobs submission on PICO will be stopped starting on January 24th at 8 a.m. whilst all running jobs will complete their run.
Active projects on PICO after that date, with residual budget, have been moved to Marconi-A1. Note that active projects already defined also on Marconi (A1 and/or A2 partitions) will not be moved.
Transfer of user data on $HOME, $WORK and $CINECA_SCRATCH storage areas from PICO to Marconi-A1 will be in charge of users themselves. In order to facilitate the data migration, please use the guidelines and tools described here. The access of PICO login nodes will remain possible for all active users on PICO cluster at least till the end of February. Please plan the recover/transfer of your data accordingly.
Best Regards,HCP User Support @ CINECA