Pico storage areas

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Dear Users,
We kindly recommend to keep users’ data occupancy as low as possible and to remove unecessary files, when possible. We remind that your $WORK area is available to store data from your calculations whilst $CINECA_SCRATCH should be used to store temporary data.
To keep disk occupancy as low as possible we plan to activate an automatic cleaning procedure on $CINECA_SCRATCH of Pico that automatically removes files older than 50 days  (similarly to what is already in place on Fermi and Galileo). We will notify you again when this policy will be in place.
To know more about how to manage data at CINECA please follow instructions and caveats available on our HPC Guide:          https://wiki.u-gov.it/confluence/display/SCAIUS/Data+management
Best Regards,
HPC User Support @ CINECA