Positions available at the OGS National Institute
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The National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS has two Post-Doc positions open:
1) topic “Earth System Models”
2) topic “Data analysis methods”
Grants are funded by the High Performance Computing Training and Research for Earth Sciences (HPC-TRES) program and by national and European projects awarded to the research staff of the “Dynamics of Ecosystems and Computational Oceanography” (ECHO) group of the OGS Oceanography Section.
1) The research activity consists in the use of Earth System models of different complexity, and is finalized to contribute to the following topics:
– “Simulations of behaviours, responses, and adaptive and evolutionary characteristics of marine eco-systems” (line A3 of the HPC-TRES scientific plan)
– “Development and optimisation of a Regional Earth System Model to estimate climate change impacts for the Euro-CORDEX and Med-CORDEX regions, including the development of a machine learning method for extreme events in the Mediterranean region” (line C6 of the HPC-TRES scientific plan)
– “Climate studies of natural drivers and anthropic pressures on Mediterranean Sea marine ecosystems” (line D1 of the HPC-TRES scientific plan)
– Interaction of physical-biogeochemical dynamics to model carbon cycle in the Mediterranean with particular reference to size spectra modeling
– High resolution modeling of physical and biogeochemical properties in coastal areas
To apply: https://www.ogs.it/it/concorsi/bando-272022-procedura-selettiva-titoli-e-colloquio-il-conferimento-di-n-1-assegno-di
Deadline: November, 4th
2) The research activity consists in a multidisciplinary work integrating modeling approaches, in field experimental data acquisition, and data analysis techniques with the aim of estimating climate change and other anthropogenic effects on marine species, communities and ecosystems. Specific stressors include temperature increase, heatwaves, acidification, changes in trophic conditions, and their effect on the biota interactions in the marine ecosystems of the Mediterranean Sea.
To apply: https://www.ogs.it/it/concorsi/bando-282022-selezione-pubblica-titoli-e-colloquio-il-conferimento-di-n-1-assegno-di
Deadline: November, 9th
ECHO group: https://www.ogs.it/en/dynamics-ecosystems-and-computational-oceanography
HPC-TRES (including the scientific plan): https://www.ogs.it/en/high-performance-computing-laboratory-hpc-tres