PRACE call for preparatory access to CINECA’s MIC prototype

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Dear Users,
we are happy to inform you that the new prototype, hybrid cluster EURORA, will soon be enriched by the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor, based on the Intel Many Integrated Core (Intel MIC) Architecture.
The continuous call for Preparatory Access has just been updated and now also offers access to CINECA’s EURORA prototype – targeted at porting and enabling work on the MIC-partition. Details can be found on the Call Announcements web-page.
This call falls into a Type C Preparatory Access class. We remind the users of the following guidelines for the relevant classes:
Type C. Code development and optimisation with the support of PRACE experts Applicants use this type of access for the same purposes as type B. In addition, under preparatory access type C, the applicants may require the support of PRACE experts to improve the application code. The maximum allocation period is 6 months which includes the submission of the final report.
Type B. Code development and optimisation Applicants may use preparatory access to undertake adaptations to the application code. Applicants will need to describe the proposed development plan in detail, including the human resources (and expertise) available to implement the project. The maximum allocation period for type B is 6 months which includes the submission of the final report.
All users interested in a porting of their codes to the MIC architecture and that would benefit from support from PRACE are invited to reply to the call for proposals.
Best regards,
HPC Support @ CINECA