Prace Summer of HPC – application deadline approaching

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Dear Users,
we would like to remind you the the deadline for applying to the SoHPC programme is on February 19th.
Summer of HPC is a PRACE programme that offers summer placements at HPC centres across Europe. Up to 21 top applicants from across Europe will be selected to participate. Participants will spend two months working on projects related to PRACE scientific or industrial work and ideally produce a visualisation or video of their results. The programme will run from July 1st, to August 31th 2017. At the end of the programme, two best participants will be awarded for their contribution – there are awards for Best Visualization and for HPC Ambassador. Flights, accommodation & a stipend will be provided to all successful applicants; all you need to bring is your interest in computing and some enthusiasm! Applications are welcome from all disciplines. Previous experience in HPC is not required. Some coding knowledge is a prerequisite but the most important attribute is a desire to learn, and share, more about HPC. A strong visual flair and an interest in blogging, video blogging or social media are desirable. Applications are open from 11 January 2017 to 19  February 2017. For more information and how to apply, please visit
Best regards
HPC User Support @ CINECA