Reminder: Marconi stop tomorrow

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Dear Users,
We kindly remind you all that Marconi cluster will be stopped tomorrow, January 23rd 2018, for scheduled maintenance operations. The stop will start at 8 a.m and will last the whole day. The cluster will be back to production tomorrow evening unless otherwise comunicated. All running jobs at the start of the maintenance will be killed and therefore plan your job submission accordingly.
Please recall that a new queueing system will be in place, replacing the Portable Batch System (PBS-Pro) when Marconi will be back to production. The new queueing system will be SLURM. For information on how to submit your jobs using the new queueing system please refer to our preliminary on-line documentation available here
Further updates with more script example will be available later, before the cluster will be back to production. A few job script examples will be available on module help files for some specific applications.
Please also recall that all queued jobs at the time of  maintenance will be removed and need to be re-submitted using the new queueing system.
Best Regards
HPC User Support @ CINECA