Reminder of Galileo end of production phase

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Dear Users,
We kindly remind you that Galileo HPC cluster is nearly at the end if its production phase. The cluster will be off-production starting from November 20th 2017. All active projects with residual budget will be moved to Marconi A1 with a 1:1 conversion factor. Accordingly, jobs submission on Galileo will be stopped starting on November 20th at 8 a.m. whilst all running and queued jobs will complete their run.
Transfer of user data on $HOME and $WORK storage areas from Galileo to Marconi-A1 will be in charge of users themselves. In order to facilitate the data migration, please use the guidelines and tools described in a dedicated on line document. The access to interactive login nodes of Galileo will remain possible for two months for all active users of Galileo, so you can better plan how to recover your data.
Best Regards,
HPC User Support @ CINECA