The renewal of Tier-1 system, Galileo

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Dear Users,
This is to inform you that the renewal of our Tier-1 system, Galileo, will start in two weeks.
Next 15th March Galileo will be turned off to make space to the new more performant infrastructure which characteristics can be found in our online User Guide. 
All active projects on April 1st will be migrated to the new updated Galileo100 starting from May. In order to ease the data transfer from the old cluster to the new one, we will automatically move all the data in $HOME directories and all the data of the active projects present in the $WORK directories to the new Galileo100. Data in the $SCRATCH area will not be moved and will remain available for 6 months after the 15th of March. The $WORK area of all projects, although of expired projects will be maintained on Galileo for six months. 
We remind you that a pre-production phase of the new Infrastructure Galileo100 is expected for May and full production in July 2021. 
All projects or agreements on Galileo will receive in the next days more details on the migration phase specifically for the project concerned.
HPC Support @ CINECA