Webinar Invitation from NVIDIA AI Technology Center – NVAITC
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Dear colleague, the NVAITC (NVIDIA AI Technology Center) is an initiative among NVIDIA (https://www.nvidia.com/it-it/), CINI (https://www.consorzio-cini.it/index.php/it/labaiis-home/194-italiano/laboratori/lab-aiis) and CINECA (http://www.hpc.cineca.it) that aims to develop joint research projects, train students, nurture startups and spread adoption of the latest AI technology throughout Italy. To explain you the details of the initiative, the results achieved so far and how to request support and access to computational resources, we would like to invite you to a webinar on November 26th from 10:00 to 11:30. The agenda includes a Q/A session to interact with speakers.
10:00 – 10:30 NVIDIA AI Technology Centre Italy “explained”: Giuseppe Fiameni/Frédéric Parienté (NVIDIA) * Introduction * Rules of engagement * Progress Status
10:30 – 11:00 Italian Computing Facility: Marco Rorro/Massimiliano Guarrasi (CINECA) * Available resources * Support to the AI community * How to access resources
11:00 – 11:30 Q/A
Connection details: Join online: https://nvmeet.webex.com/nvmeet/j.php?MTID%3Dmcbc1e7137d08e37d3d258b87180d9b9b&sa=D&ust=1604677739012000&usg=AFQjCNE4Yov7CecLnvs74lQAS6kEeS44KA Join by phone: +39 0230578295 Italy (Access code: 145 507 6597)
Please fill out this registration form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf1PyMtrx5NrTdIbDcPmVZ036-9WnB6Kalo3tIL14c0av9aHw/viewform) to participate to the event and feel free to share it with all collaborators interested to join. Best regards, The NVAITC Italy team.