Workshop – PRACE PCP DAVIDE OpenPower cluster: user experiences and scientific cases
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DAVIDE (Development of an Added Value Infrastructure Designed in Europe) is an energy-aware Petaflops Class High Performance Cluster based on IBM Power Architecture and coupled with NVIDIA Tesla Pascal GPUs with NVLink. The innovative design of DAVIDE has been developed by E4 Computer Engineering for PRACE, with the aim of providing a leading edge HPC cluster showing higher performance, reduced power consumption and ease of use. A key technology of the architecture, developed in collaboration with the University of Bologna, is an innovative infrastructure for measuring, monitoring and capping the power consumption of the node and of the whole system.
With a focus on energy efficiency, in this workshop we describe in more detail the DAVIDE architecture and uses cases in many different scientific fields based on the users’ experiences. These examples will demonstrate to the users how to exploit this system taking full advantage from it.
Please note that places are still available for the next edition of this workshop which will be held in CINECA – Bologna offices on December 10th.
For more info and registration please visit the course web page:…
The course will be held in English.
Best Regards,HPC User Support @ CINECA