XV SIMAI Congress, June 2020

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Dear All,
we are pleased to announce that the XV congress of SIMAI (Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics) will be held from 15 to 19 June 2020 at the University of Parma.The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and professionals from academia and industry who are active in the study of mathematical and numerical models as well as their application to industrial and real life problems.Six plenary lectures will cover a wide range of topics and a special lecture will be given by a representative of the industrial world.
The program will be complemented by several minisymposia, contributed talks and a poster session, that aim to cover most of the many different applications of mathematics to industry, technology, environment, cultural heritage, biology and society.The conference will host a special Industrial Session allowing the participation of industrial researchers and representatives.
The web page of the conference http://www.simai.unipr.it/  is ready with information and deadlines. In particular, from 1 October 2019 it will be possible to propose thematic minisimposia, free talks and posters. The submission deadline for the minisimposia is 10 January 2020.The congress is included in the official calendar of events “Parma Italian Capital of Culture 2020” http://turismo.comune.parma.it/en/thematic-channels/discover-the-area/art-and-culture  .
The official email address of the organizing committee is infosimai2020@unipr.it .