Advanced, Cloud-based HPC simulation in the foundry business

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The goal of this experiment was to reduce the scrap rate of the foundry process. A service was needed which could predict the behaviour of the current batch of metal to reduce the amount of waste.

Start date: 01/11/2015

Duration in months: 18

Problem Description

The goal of this experiment was to reduce the scrap rate of the foundry process. If it were possible to adjust the process in real time, the foundry could lower energy consumption and production costs.


New services


Using historical data from previous production runs was seen as the key to this problem, but this entails data analytics requiring computing resources far in excess of those available to foundries or consultants like ProService.

Innovation results

Noesis and ProService collaborated to develop a new adaptive process for controlling the liquid-iron stage of the foundry-casting process. The service deploys a cloud-based HPC system to compute data in real time so to adjust production process.

Business impact

The developed tool can reduce scrap rates from 3% to 2.5%, saving 50k€ per year for small foundries and 500k€ for larger facilities. The tools will be offered as a service via generating 236k€ annually. The end user has over 1,900 foundries, and if 10% use the system, it could save over 9.5M€ per year.

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