Advanced simulation for metal forming

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MATRICI is a Spanish specialising in the production and design of complex metal formed panels. The use of HPC-based forming simulation can have a significant financial impact on this sector. This project aims to develop an advanced Cloud-based HPC tools affordable by small companies.

Start date: 01/07/2013

Duration in months: 18

Problem Description

The challenge was to develop a software solution that allows to simulate metal forming with higher efficiency and ease of use than possible using today’s state-of-the-art commercial codes. The goal is the efficient and affordable integration of available HPC infrastructures with simulation software Stampack.


New services


The major challenge of this project was to develop a high-performance version of Stampack able to run effectively in a Cloud of HPC resources, made available on a pay-per-use basis

Innovation results

A Cloud-based version of Stampack (StamHPC) has been adapted, developed and validated. A graphical interface has been developed offering easy and intuitive use in the metal forming industry. This allows any end-user to launch a calculation and get results with an appropriate response time.

Business impact

MATRICI plans to generate €200K in additional revenue and saves 1.5M€ per year in development costs. QUANTECH and CESGA anticipate involving 300 new SMEs, resulting in a 60 M€ return on investment in 5 years. CESGA expects an additional annual revenue of €45K to €365K in 2021. SCAI will use these results to support the sales of its products.

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