Advanced simulation of electromagnetic effects
SEEMI develops solutions for packaging and transporting products. This devices are often in environments with significant exposure to electromagnetic fields, which can cause malfunctions. Algo’Tech developed a digital simulator to examine these issues. Using this with HPC technologies reduced design time and cost.
Start date: 01/07/2013
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
Electrical devices play a major role in all types of automated and embedded systems. Cables, both shielded and non-shielded, have become a major issue in terms of safety, weight, performance, power consumption, cost and reliability. It is essential to verify during the design stage that cables are not susceptible to external electromagnetic effects. Today, the decision to shield a cable is complex. Simulation has become mandatory in making such decisions.
Virtual prototyping
Develop HPC software to simulate large complex installations and a wide range of frequencies.
Innovation results
The use of Cloud-based High Performance Computing (HPC) has dramatically reduced the computation time for complex electromagnetic simulations from hours to seconds. It has become essential for simulating the complex electromagnetic behaviour of equipment in its operational mode.
Business impact
Algo’Tech expects to see an increase of 10% in licence revenue and for HPC-based simulations to constitute 20% of its overall business. Overall, it expects an annual growth in its revenue of around 8% as a result of its new HPC-based, electromagnetic-simulation.