Advanced simulation of metal casting
Fundiciones de Roda is an SME specializing in cast iron casting. To save time and money, foundries need advanced simulations to detect defects in metal casting. Quantech is a company that markets Click2Cast software, which simulates this type of casting. The project led to an improvement of the software by running it on a HPC.
Start date: 01/07/2013
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
To save time and money, foundries need advanced simulation to detect metal casting defects as soon as possible, that is at design time before any expensive prototypes need to be developed.
New services
The challenge addressed in this experiment is to develop a service based on Quantech’s Click2Cast package which offers SMEs an affordable pay-per-use service where its casting processes can be simulated accurately and quickly and without the need for detailed specialist knowledge of the simulation process.
Innovation results
Click2Cast has been ported to a High Performance Computer system available via a Cloud infrastructure. Access to this application has been made available as a pay-per-use service which enables even naïve users access to advanced simulation via a simple click-based interface. Click2Cast tackles 90% of all casting techniques including High Pressure Die Casting, Gravity Casting, Low pressure Die Casting and Tilt Pouring.
Business impact
Through the use of the Click2Cast service Fundiciones de Rode can reduce its annual design costs by €3,200. Furthermore, because of an increase in productivity, it expects to increase its annual revenue by €20,000.