CAE driven design of a water treatment plant
A water treatment plant design was researched using CAE technology to address energy efficiency and sustainability challenges, via complex three-phase flow simulations. The workflow can identify unfavorable flow structures in wastewater plants, enabling short turnaround times for improvements.
Start date: 01/11/2015
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
The 21st century's challenge is enabling energy-efficient water cleaning. To address competition and customer demands, researchers aim to develop a water treatment plant using cheaper CAE-based approaches from conception to production, providing a viable alternative to experiment-based workflows.
Workflow implementation
The simulations have to deal with the complex three-phase flow inside the waste-water treatment device. This requires significant computing power and a validation of the numerical model against experimental data.
Innovation results
A prototype plant was investigated to validate the simulation process. The calculated flow fields are in good agreement with experimental data. The automated workflow can identify unfavorable flow structures in wastewater plants, with short turnaround times enabled by the use of cloud-based HPC.
Business impact
akvoFloat, a hybrid water treatment process, was optimized resulting in lower plant prices and reduced capital investment. Navasto's expertise in multiphase simulation, hydrodynamic simulations, and process design can increase visibility and reach new customers.