Cloud-based environmental modelling
eAmbiente uses simulations to predict the risk to soil and groundwater given by large buildings. These simulation models are not easy to use and require really long time to get a usable result. The project aims to deploy a Cloud-based-HPC service to overcome these limitations.
Start date: 01/07/2013
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
The aim is to overcome the current limitations of environmental modelling tools, setting up an innovative service in two parts: the first launches simulations of different models in parallel on a cloud HPC system and the other consists in an offline tool to interact with the results.
New services
To challenge represented by this project consists in creating a single platform service that allows the end-user to perform environmental simulation in an easy way and to get results in reasonable short time. To do this the platform has to launch computation on cloud-based HPC systems.
Innovation results
A customized platform was developed to integrate environmental software including a single easy-to-use GUI available to the end-users. This GUI gives access to cloud-based HPC resources providing a one-stop-shop for the end-user. The use of this solution enables an 80% reduction in both simulation time.
Business impact
The cost of an Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) is 80% less than using standard in-house systems, meaning higher competitiveness of eAmbiente and a forecasted annual revenue increment of 28%. T2i will start EIA service from scratch and forecasts an increment of 5% in annual revenue.