Cloud-based HPC optimisation of manufacturing processes
LMD is an additive manufacturing technology that enables the generic 3D printing of large metal parts. The lack of sufficient control remains a barrier. This experiment aimed to overcome the current deficiencies in online monitoring and control of laser processing.
Start date: 01/11/2015
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
LMD is an additive manufacturing technology that enables the generic 3D printing of large metal parts. The lack of sufficient control remains a barrier, as it can result in unnecessary reworking, waste and an increase in 3D printing times. This reduces both profits and efficiency.
New services
This experiment aimed to overcome the current deficiencies in online monitoring and control of laser processing, so that EMO can realise the full benefits of additive manufacturing and create better quality products.
Innovation results
A new system has been developed in this experiment that exploits recent advances in AI for image analysis and in data acquisition from images of the process. It uses deep-learning principles, to enable online and real-time quality control and monitoring of key features.
Business impact
CyPLAM addresses quality issues in LMD-created parts, reducing production times by over 30%. It also offers a 20% savings in operational costs and a 30% reduction in lead-time. The technology has significantly impacted the European manufacturing industry, attracting SMEs and growing rapidly.