Cloud-based map interpolation for civil engineering

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Sisener Ingenieros is an engineering company specializing in renewable energy projects. This projects need accurate topographical information not only to determine the earthworks to be performed, which depends on intrinsic information, such as levels, slopes and volumes, but also for the overall design of the installation(e.g wind farms). The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate how Cloud-based HPC can be used to convert and manage cartographic data across a range of formats and resolutions in order to improve the design process of wind farms and to reduce overall costs.

Start date: 01/07/2013

Duration in months: 18

Problem Description

Civil engineering projects require accurate cartographic data during tender, design, and implementation phases, which significantly impacts project costs and duration. In some regions, this data may not be available. Projects require resolutions of 1 meter or finer. Kriging interpolation can achieve this resolution by applying a coarser map to an existing map. However, this method is numerically intensive and requires High Performance Computing (HPC) for typical installations design.


New services


The challenge facing this experiment is to port Ingecon’s Kriging interpolation software to run on an HPC system and to make it available on a pay-per-use SaaS platform to civil engineering companies.

Innovation results

Ingecon has ported its Kriging interpolation software to run on an HPC system, reducing processing times for wind farms and other projects requiring greater resolution.

Business impact

The major benefit for Sisener is a reduction in the cost of map data. Through the use of interpolation, as opposed to buying raw data, the cost of a typical design can be reduced from €4k to €2k taking staff effort and computing costs into account. A company like Sisener will be involved in around 25 such projects per year, so annual savings amount to €50k.

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