Cloud-based optimisation of a multi-body wave energy device
CCell is a curved wave energy converter designed to extract energy from waves, reduce beach erosion, and generate electricity. BioRock reefs, wire mesh frames, form limestone rock using low-voltage charge. Simulations using OpenFOAM provide insights into the system’s functionality.
Start date: 01/11/2015
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
CCell, a wave energy converter, extracts energy from waves, reducing beach erosion. BioRock reefs, wire mesh frames, form limestone rock, promoting coral growth. Optimisation of these devices depends on the accurate modelling of wave resources and bathymetry.
New services
Wave modelling is a computationally intensive task, requiring computational simulation in excess of most SMEs' budgets. Physical testing is a potential alternative, but it is also expensive and the limited availability of facilities constrains the rate at which tests can be undertaken.
Innovation results
OpenFOAM on HPC was used to simulate the CCell device under various wave conditions. The increased computational power allowed for the first-ever modeling of the entire device, including power-take-off hardware, software, and control logic, providing new insights into system functionality.
Business impact
Zyba's increased productivity and deployed offshore pilots, reducing design costs and development time. The automated design process enables faster market entry and easier product evolution for new users, with simulation setup times reduced from over 2 hours to less than 1 minute.