Cloud-based optimisation of water turbines for power generation
Zeco is an SME from the renewable energy sector. High-fidelity CFD simulation has become an essential tool for turbine designers. However, CFD requires high computational resources that usually SMEs can’t effort. The objective of this experiment is to create an application that overcome these limitations.
Start date: 01/07/2013
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
The current practice in hydro-power plant design involves empirical testing, but SMEs face strong competition and short development time. The aim of the project is to improve its design processes using HPC-based high-fidelity simulations, addressing the short development time and strong competition.
Reduce time to solution
Zeco has to improve its design process including CFD simulations thus an HPC-based application has to be developed so to reduce the time required to get the results and including also an easy interface that does not require HPC and CFD strong knowledges.
Innovation results
A CFD-based HPC application has been developed which enables the customization of a small hydro power plant in a very fast and reliable way, when compared to current practices.
Business impact
Reduction of design time from 1 year to 3 months. Reduction of operational cost by 350k€. 1% plant efficient increment and 50% reduction of maintenance days. Zeco expects to increase its market share by at least 5% with an additional profit of 50 k€ per year.