Cloud-based processing of seismic data
SIP and Sharp Reflections are geological and geophysical services supplier, through the usage of Pre-StackPRO software. The aim is to make the software available on cloud-based HPC systems so that also SMEs with no possibility to have their own computing infrastructure can fully exploit software.
Start date: 01/07/2013
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
Oil and gas SMEs are facing an increasing need for high resolution seismic data processing, but they do not have the financial possibility to have their own HPC infrastructure. The project aimed to find an accessible solution that offers them computing capacity so to allow efficient data processing.
Porting on new architecture
Pre-StackPRO use the HPC power to give the possibility to work interactively on large seismic data sets. To offer the SMEs the possibility to fully exploit Pre-StackPRO it was decoupled from specific hardware so to be compatible with any HPC system chosen by the company.
Innovation results
Pre-StackPRO was fully decoupled from specific hardware infrastructure. This allow it to be implemented on cloud-based HPC system leaving the end user to choose the infrastructure that fits best its use-case and making the software available from any remote location.
Business impact
For the end-user, the pay-per use-solution on cloud means a cost saving of 20 to 30k€ with respect to the in-house solution and allows to analyse different amount of data scaling the computing resource as needed. The provision of this service will increase Sharp Reflection’s total revenues significantly.