Cloud-based simulation of marine communication buoys
ALSEAMAR is a French SME, specialised in the design and manufacturing of radio communication systems for both surface ships and submarines. Alseamar wanted to develop a releasable, communication buoy for submarines. This experiment aimed to design such a device using HPC-based CFD.
Start date: 01/07/2013
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
Alseamar wanted to develop a releasable, communication buoy for submarines. This experiment aimed to design such a device using HPC-based CFD. The simulation platform must give result in reasonable time and be affordable for SMEs.
Reduce time to solution
The challenge was to simulate, during the launching phase, the behaviour of a radio communication buoy released from a submarine. Indeed, numerical simulation is the only way to predict the behaviour of such a buoy because tests involving submarines in a real environment are almost impossible.
Innovation results
K-FSI software has been ported to the BULL eXtreme factory HPC-as-a-Service to create an appropriate simulation model. Specific workflows have been developed on the HPC system to reduce engineering time and to feed into the Alseamar design cycle.
Business impact
In this experiment, Alseamar has developed a releasable communication buoy for submarines. The evenue from this product is estimated to be 500k€ in 2017 and 1M€ in 2018. K-Epsilon’s annual turnover is expected to increase by 8% in 2017, and by 65% over the next five years.