Cloud-based simulation of ultra-high-temperature furnaces

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Ultra-high-temperature furnaces are a key manufacturing tool for many electronic components. Simulations offer the potential to help improve the design process for such devices, dealing with the interdependencies of convection, conduction, radiation, and complex multi-material geometries.

Start date: 01/11/2015

Duration in months: 18

Problem Description

Temperatures of up to 3000°C can be reached inside these furnaces, rendering physical measurements difficult and costly. Simulations could offer considerable potential to provide this data and improve the design process for such a device.




These simulations have to deal with the interdependencies of convection, conduction, radiation, joule heating and a complex multi-material geometry. This requires significant computing power and a validation of the numerical model and material properties at very high temperatures.

Innovation results

A prototype furnace was designed and manufactured. Tests were conducted on the furnace at various temperatures to acquire pressure and temperature data for validation of the simulations. Based on the results of the validated model, areas of improvements for the furnace could be identified.

Business impact

The experiment improved XERION's thermal design, reducing oversizing and cost by 20%. This benefits research institutes and companies using furnaces in production or research. NAVASTO gained expertise in multi-region and high-temperature simulations. HLRS gained knowledge for application domain.

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