Cross-solver Cloud-based tool for aeronautical FSI applications
For an aircraft production cycle, the early development phases are key to estimate and optimize production costs. The RBF4AERO toolbox tackles all the aspects related to aircraft numerical design and optimization, and was successfully adapted to work on cloud-based HPC.
Start date: 01/11/2015
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
The initial phases of an aircraft production cycle significantly impact production costs, with 80% of development and 70% of life cycle costs determined during the conceptual design phase. Reducing R&D investigation time is crucial, and powerful design tools are essential to reach this goal.
Porting on new architecture
The RBF4AERO platform is currently not optimized to run on cloud-based HPC infrastructures.
Innovation results
The experiment performed the successful adaptation of the RBF4AERO platform to work on cloud-based HPC. This adaptation was applied to the optimization of a component of a real aircraft using computational models relevant to the aeronautical sector.
Business impact
RINA estimates a turnover of €100,000 per year and a total of €400,000 over three years. This service will increase qualified jobs and lower RINA's hourly rate by 10%, allowing them to reach new clients. NTUA predicts a 5% increase in revenues from FSI-related projects in the next three years.