GMATICS provides innovative geo-spatial application services integrating satellite remote sensing data, geospatial and socio-economic data, through AI algorithms. DAMAS will provide faster data processing and results, higher accuracy, improved geo-spatial resolution and coastal coverage and Wave-Circulation Nowcasting over the next 12 hours, with 30 minutes temporal resolution and 1x1Km geo-spatial resolution.
Start date: 05/01/2021
Duration in months: 9
Problem Description
The use-case concerns the improvement of innovative services of geo-spatial applications that integrate satellite remote detection data, geospatial and socio-economic data, through AI algorithms. The objective is to develop an AI-based model for the analysis and forecasting of the state of the sea with better geo-spatial and temporal resolution and extended coverage near the coast.
New services
The main objective of DAMAS is the development of an AI based model for sea state analysis and forecast with improved geospatial and temporal resolution as well as extended close to coast coverage, with respect to currently available services.
Innovation results
DAMAS will contribute to the Green Deal data space, supporting offshore renewable energy production and improving efficiency and safety of the shipping sector. It will also contribute to assess the impact of Climate Change on sea state evolution trends, support coastal management and marine oil spill countering.
Business impact