Digital-twin for airflow and drug delivery in human airways
The experiment aims to reduce time scales and costs by generating a Digital-twin of the human airway, allowing real-time simulations of airflow and drug delivery processes. This involves a parametric study and numerical simulations, providing patient-specific results at affordable costs.
Start date: 01/06/2021
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
Asthma affects 338 million people globally. Common medication for severe and mild asthma can be difficult to control due to airway inflammation. Current methods rely on the likelihood of particle delivery, but using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can improve efficiency.
New services
Understanding the effect of geometrical parameters in human lungs on airflow and drug deposition requires extensive parametric study, tedious CFD analysis, and time-consuming tasks like finding CT scan geometry and executing simulations.
Innovation results
The initiative aims to create a Digital Twin (DT) of the human airways using compression methods, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and software analytics. This digital replica can be explored and manipulated, paving the way for personalized medicine and drug delivery.
Business impact
Reducing costs and especially time, which will be drastically reduced from work periods of weeks to the use of the digital twin that will reproduce airflow in real time.