Earthquake resistant design using FE² technique
Digital-Structure is a cloud platform for structural analysis, designed for SMEs dealing with non-linear dynamics and structural details. It offers robust convergence and parallel computing, reducing computing power and cost, making it an ideal solution for structural analysis.
Start date: 01/11/2015
Duration in months: 18
Problem Description
Evaluating the reliability of civil engineering structures under extreme loads (earthquake, explosions, flooding, etc.) requires non-linear static and dynamic analyses. To be accurate, these analyses must pay specific attention to structural details which are more likely to contribute to failure.
New services
The demand for these kinds of analysis is increasing and is becoming mandatory. These analyses are mostly done by SMEs, but the computing resources needed to generate exploitable results within a reasonable time and cost clearly exceed in-house capabilities.
Innovation results
Digital-Structure is a cloud platform for structural analysis, developed during the Fortissimo experiment to address non-linear dynamics and friction. It offers robust convergence and parallel computing, reducing computing power and costs for SMEs. The pay-per-use solution offers cost control.
Business impact
Digital-Structure speeds up computing times, reduces design costs by 40%-60% for SME, doubling engineer productivity. It optimizes designs, ensuring finer security margins, reducing environmental impact. It also ensures effective control of computing resource costs and risks.