Erasmus Play: Accommodation search engine
Erasmus Play is an aggregation platform (meta-search) for international student accommodation, which brings together all the market’s offerings in Europe into a single platform, allowing students to search, compare and book accommodation with the main platforms that provide this service.
Duration in months: 12
Problem Description
There are local platforms for booking student accommodation online, Erasmus Play aims to bring them in one site. Through Erasmus Play, users can search and compare accommodations and when they are ready to book, they will be directed to the correspondent platform.
New services
To create an user-friendly website integrating accommodation platforms for students in all Europe.
Innovation results
It is expected that the pilot will show real in time feed from accomodation platforms across all Europe, attract, retain users, create useful content for users and make accommodation least of their problems.
Business impact
The concept of the pilot will be a meta-search engine similar to that of skyscanner, in which all student accommodations available in the market both short and mid-term will be displaced for comparison.